Saturday, July 7, 2012

Day 8

An early morning walk in the warm sunshine provides some much needed fresh air and movement.  The room is so cramped I have to step into the hallway just to change my mind.  The lobby of the hotel is undergoing a decoration bonanza.  Balloons. Ribbon.  Even a picture station.  Clearly a wedding, maybe several are scheduled for today.  Odd that it is the middle of the week, or maybe it is for the weekend.  I won't know as we leave at 9:30 am.  My walk is uneventful as out of the context of basketball mania, I am just another vacationer.  The exception to the peace was when I tried to cross the street with the green light.  Being both American and generally stubborn, I felt I had the right of way.  So did a transit bus.  The driver was not slowing as our paths were obviously going to intersect.  So I slowed and made eye contact.  I was not giving.  The bus came within a foot or so and I was in a death stare with the driver.  I walked the last two feet to the curb slowly not breaking eye contact. Amazingly, he did not even honk the horn.  He must have thought me insane.
There must have been a lot of grumbling by our traveling party, as today for breakfast the hotel served coffee and breakfast sandwiches from the McDonald's next door.  I am not sure if that adds a star for accommodating the guests, or subtracts a star for serving McDonald's.        
On to the bus for an hour ride to the next city.  I have learned to take the travel time the bus driver offers and multiply it by 1.5.  Such was today's ride through some pretty rough two lane "highways".  I was amazed at the chances some drivers take here.  People in cars trying to jump around the bus, on a bad road, with plenty of oncoming traffic created and entertaining (in a life and death kind of way) ride.  At one point, an oncoming truck swerved into our lane to avoid a scooter in his.  I was very certain we were going to lose the rear view mirror on our bus.  Even thinking of it now, I do not know how we didn't. 
We get to our new city, Bengbu, our first stop is the sponsor of tonight's game.  RiseSun Corporation is a real estate company building luxury townhouses.  The campus includes water features, homes, shopping, and recreation.  We are toured around the place and there is a mini pep rally with a DJ and an energetic emcee.  Afterward, we are off to the hotel.  It's in the heart of the city, but still does not offer wireless internet...grrrr. 
Chris, Kyle, and Igor playing against Canada.
At lunch, it is confirmed that the back half of the tour is cancelled.  As there will only be one game left after the 21st, it is decided that I will not return to China from the wedding.  Arrangements are made to get me to the train station after the game so I can enjoy a 6 hour train ride and a 2 hour cab ride to get to the Shang Hai airport.  Sounds like a problem. 
The team asks if we can meet in the open area outside the elevator on our floor.  They want to walk through the plays even though there is no basket or court lines or anything.  How can I ask for anything more.  We spend an hour walking through every set, talking about timing and counters and then we head to pre-game dinner.
Game Time:  Canada
 Yup.  We played them yesterday, but that was another time, another city.  The start time is interminably delayed as we must wait for the mayor to arrive.  The game starts 30 minutes late.  It could be we were overly tired from the warm up.  It could be we were bored and had simply lost focus from the delay.  Or, it could be that Canada is just better than we are.  I would try to list a highlight or two but there really was nothing to write home about....literally.  Down 16 at the end of the first quarter.  Down 19 at the half. Down 23 after 3.  In the 4th, there was a nice follow up dunk by Kash. He had told me early in the tour that he could not dunk.  He must have been pretty amped up tonight as he had perfect timing.  I asked him about the no dunking thing and he calmly said, "I lied coach."
    You never know when a dream will end.  The alarm clock sounds.  Thunder claps.  Or, quite unwillingly you are shaken and dragged away. 
    We were down 18 and not chipping away.  Canada was playing zone which to me means they were taking it easy on us late in the game.  There was 3:38 to go when Mr. Lee stood up off the bench and announced it was time to go to.  Now?  In the middle of the game?  He was quite sure it was the right time to go.  Mr. Lee is simply following the tour boss's orders.  Mr. Hahn ran every detail of the tour.  I shake the hand of the four guys on the bench, grab Mr. Lucky and away we go. 
    Just like that.  The China tour is over.  I am escorted to a car.  The car drives me to the Bengbu train station.  The train is the beginning of the journey back to reality.

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